Today I was working on a widget Accept / Reject Solution. I found a share (link defunct) that looked like it would meet my needs. It looked great, until I tried rejecting a custom extended task table.
I couldn't set it to work so I backed it out and determined I'd roll my own, that share updated a existing sp_instance
. After I backed out the update set that sp_instance
record was still there. I couldn't get it to fall off the page regardless what I tried;
- Record didn't exist at this point so couldn't delete it.
- Recreated empty table, and inserted the record with the referenced sys_id via setNewGuidValue. At this point I could set Active to false, but I wanted it gone.
- Tried Deleting the record from the column record, but it deleted the actual record on it's table and not from the related list of
I ended up making a new column, moving all widgets over, then deleted the old column.