Getting the next N approvals

I was talking with someone they were asking how to get the next x approvals up to 10. You can't always control the environment you work in. He was trying to get the next x approvals. I came up with this script;

// start debugging
var current = {};
current.variables = {};
current.variables.user = gs.getUserID();
// end debugging

function getManager(user,display){
var m = new GlideRecord('sys_user');
if (m.get(user)) {
// gs.print(m.manager.getDisplayValue() + ' : ' + m.getValue('manager'));
if (display) {
return m.getDisplayValue('manager');
} else {
return m.getValue('manager');
var approvals = [];
for (var x=1; x<=10; x++) {
if (x===1) {
x: x,
name: getManager(current.variables.user,true),
sys_id: getManager(current.variables.user,false)
} else {
x: x,
name: getManager(approvals[x-2].sys_id,true),
sys_id: getManager(approvals[x-2].sys_id,false)
// gs.print('level ' + x + ' ' + approvals[x]);

gs.print(JSON.stringify(approvals,'',' '));