Do you need new JavaScript to work in ServiceNow?

Sometimes you need new code converted to things ServiceNow understands. Arrow functions now work in ServiceNow in some places but not others. let, const same thing.

Here's a way to take any new script and make it work. This is called transpiling. It's complicated. The way I understand it is, you give it new code, and it makes it work with and older set of JavaScript features that were available a long time ago using polyfills.

Enough dry stuff let's get trying it.

Go to and set the target to, defaults, ie 11.

Then paste in the new JavaScript. Or if you want something to start with try pasting this code.

let a = ()=>{
// see let becomes var
// and () => {} becomes function(..)
// lets try other things
let [red,green,blue] = [0,1,2];
// copying into a new object
var person = {
name: "Jace",
location: "MN"
// if you uncomment this, it will add a polyfill to do this
let copy = {

That should become something like;

var a = function a() {
// see let becomes var
// and () => {} becomse function(..)
// lets try other things
// spread
var red = 0,
green = 1,
blue = 2;
// copying into a new object
var person = {
name: "Jace",
location: "MN"
// if you uncomment this, it will add a polyfill to do this
let copy = {