Useful Client Scripts

These are my useful catalog client scripts, I've found/written over the
years. Please note the comments aren't
the best and I do mean to improve them. Some of these functions aren't
documented and won't work in all places.

Run code on order guides in and out of the portal

function onLoad() {
* So here is the case, I have a variable set being used in an order guide and catalog item.
* I want to hide the set on the catalog item and make it visible on the form if the user
* submits the order via order guide. If the user directly submits the catalog item then they
* should not see the variable set on the form.

//if on standard UI hide form
var guide = $("sysparm_guide");//if on a guide, and the standard ui this will not eq null
g_form.setDisplay('create_for_user', true);
} else {
g_form.setDisplay('create_for_user', false);
} catch(e) { //if on sp, $("") will fail
var sp_guide = g_service_catalog.isOrderGuide();
g_form.setDisplay('create_for_user', true);
} else {
g_form.setDisplay('create_for_user', false);

Date is after today

//Date is after today
//GwtDate not available on service portal
function onSubmit() {
//Type appropriate comment here, and begin script below
//ensure that the start date is before the today's date
var field = 'start_date';
var st = g_form.getValue(field);
var newTime = new GwtDate(st);
var tm = new GwtDate();;
if (, true) < 0) {
g_form.hideFieldMsg(field, true);
g_form.showFieldMsg(field, 'Start date must be after the today\'s date.', 'error');
return false;

Ensure Date is after a set time

//Ensure Date is after set time
function onSubmit() {
var returnVal = false;
//Type appropriate comment here, and begin script below
//Ensure that the given field's date is at least or equal to the milleseconds to add.
var field = 'project_deadline';
var msToAdd = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;//ms * sec * minutes * hours * days//this is a week
var errorMsg = 'This must be at least a week out.';
/* You shouldn't have to change anything below */
var now = new Date();
var givenDate = new Date(g_form.getValue(field));
//forwhatever reason, at this point this returns 9/24 when you select 9/25
//givenauthor: 'jace'
date:Mon Sep 24 2017 19:00:00 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)[1506347252815]
//when you select 9/25
givenDate.setDate(projectDeadline.getDate() + 1);//so add a day
//now returns;
//givenauthor: 'jace'
date:Mon Sep 25 2017 08:47:32 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)[1506347252815]
var nextWeek = new Date();
nextWeek.setTime(nextWeek.getTime() + msToAdd);
//console.log('projectDeadline: ' + projectDeadline + '[' + projectDeadline.getTime() + ']');
//console.log('weekAhead : ' + weekAhead + '[' + weekAhead.getTime() + ']');
var givenDateGreaterOrEqualToNextWeek = givenDate.getTime() >= nextWeek.getTime();
//console.log('givenDateGreaterOrEqualToNextWeek: ' + givenDateGreaterOrEqualToNextWeek);
if (givenDateGreaterOrEqualToNextWeek) {
returnVal = true;
} else {
g_form.hideFieldMsg(field, true);
g_form.showFieldMsg(field, errorMsg, 'error');
return returnVal;

Verify Date is after a variable

//Verify Date is after variable
function onSubmit() {
//Verify that the start date is before the end date
var st = getDateFromFormat(g_form.getValue("start_date_time"), g_user_date_time_format);
var et = getDateFromFormat(g_form.getValue("end_date_time"), g_user_date_time_format);
if (st > et) {
alert("Estimated end date must be after the start date.");
g_form.showErrorBox("resource_est_end_date", "Estimated end date must be after the start date.");
return false;

Require Checkboxes

//require checkboxes

function onSubmit() {
//Set the mandatory checkbox variable names and total mandatory count here
var mandatoryVars = 'option1,option2,option3,option4';
var mandatoryCount = 2;
var passed = forceMandatoryCheckboxes(mandatoryVars, mandatoryCount);
if (!passed) {
//Abort the submit
alert('You must select at least ' + mandatoryCount + ' options.');
return false;
function forceMandatoryCheckboxes(mandatory, count) {
//Split the mandatory variable names into an array
mandatory = mandatory.split(',');
var answer = false;
var varFound = false;
var numTrue = 0;
//Check each variable in the array
for (x = 0; x < mandatory.length; x++) { //Check to see if variable exists
if (g_form.getControl(mandatory[x])) {
varFound = true; //Check to see if variable is set to 'true'
if (g_form.getValue(mandatory[x]) == 'true') {
numTrue++; //Exit the loop if we have reached required number of 'true'
if (numTrue >= count) {
answer = true;
//If we didn't find any of the variables allow the submit
if (varFound == false) {
answer = true;
//Return true or false
return answer;

Show field if x are checked

//show field if x are chekced

* Origin;

function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading) {
//Set the mandatory checkbox variable names and total mandatory count here
var mandatoryVars = ['option1', 'option2', 'option3', 'option4', 'option5'];
var variableToShow = 'someothervariable';
var requiredCount = 2;
var actualCount = 0;
for (var x = 0; x < mandatoryVars.length; x++) {
if (g_form.getValue(mandatoryVars[x]) == 'true') {
if (requiredCount <= actualCount) {
g_form.setDisplay(variableToShow, true);
} else {
g_form.setDisplay(variableToShow, false);

Require numbers

//Require numbers
function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading, isTemplate) {
if (isLoading || newValue == '') {
var regexp = /^[0-9]*$/;
g_form.hideFieldMsg(control, true);
if (!regexp.test(newValue)) {
g_form.showFieldMsg(control, 'That is not a number', 'error');
control.value = '';

Set Placeholder

This is unnecessary after Jakarta

//set place holder
//this is unnecessary in Jakarta see
function onLoad() {
u_addPlaceholderAttribute('user','Someones name goes here');
function u_addPlaceholderAttribute(variableName, hint) {
try {
var fieldName = g_form.getControl(variableName).name.toString();
if (Prototype.Browser.IE) {
fieldName.placeholder = hint;
} else {
$(fieldName).writeAttribute('placeholder', hint);
} catch (err) {}

Make variables ReadOnly

//make variables readonly
function onLoad() {
try {
//Get the 'Variables' section
var ve = $('variable_map').up('table');
//Disable all elements within with a class of 'cat_item_option''.cat_item_option', '.slushselectmtm', '.questionsetreference').each(function (elmt) {
elmt.disabled = true;
//Remove any reference or calendar icons'img[src*=reference_list.gifx]', 'img[src*=small_calendar.gifx]').each(function (img) {
//Hide list collector icons'img[src*=arrow]').each(function (img) {
} catch (e) {}

Flash variable

//flash variable
function flashVar(v) { (rec) {
if (rec.prettyName === v) {
g_form.flash("ni.VE" + rec.realName, "#FFFACD", 0)

Require Attachment

//require attachment
function onSubmit() {
'use strict';
var attachment = new GlideRecord("sys_attachment");
attachment.addQuery("table_name", "sc_cart_item");
attachment.addQuery("table_sys_id", gel('sysparm_item_guid').value);
if (!attachment.hasNext()) {
alert("You must attach your public SSH Key. Please see instructions for more information.");
return false;

Set Server fields

//ser server fields
function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading) {
try {
g_form.getReference('server', function(server){
g_form.setValue('server_ip', server.ip_address);
g_form.setValue('environment', server.u_env_list);
} catch(error) {

Set Date or Date Time locally to user's format

//This is not documented, but here ya go;

function onChange(control, oldValue, newValue, isLoading, isTemplate) {
if (isLoading || newValue === '') {

var today = new Date();
g_form.setValue('date_raised_with_vendor', formatDate(today, g_user_date_format));
g_form.setValue('date_time_raised_with_vendor', formatDate(today, g_user_date_time_format));

// Where is 'formatDate' defined?
// Well, let me show you;
// This is available on UI16, and may need to be ported over but until then it's loaded from `calendar.js`